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  • The Federal Lawyer - the only magazine for practitioners of federal law
  • Special offers from an impressive list of incentive programs
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  • The opportunity to make a change and improve the federal legal system
  • and much more...
  1. To get started, please enter your email address below.
  2. If a match is not found in our system a new account will be set up for you using your email address.
  3. If a match is found and you have forgotten your password, you may request a new one below. Please do not attempt to rejoin.
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No problem. Enter your e-mail address below. Then check your e-mail for a message that includes a link to change your password.

If you are an FBA member and you do not know which e-mail address you have on file, please call (571) 481-9100 so that we can look up your record. Please do not create a new account because your membership will not transfer to the new account, and you will not be eligible to receive member-only rates for event registrations, products, or publications.

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